Welcome to Scientific Computing, Comp-605
Office hours: announced on the course Canvas page or by appointment.
Who am I?
Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics and the Computational Science Research Center
SIAM Membership is free for students (30% discount on SIAM books)
US-Research Software Engineer association free professional association membership with lots of resources
Women in HPC professional society free professional association membership with lots of resources
Books and additional resources
Hager and Wellein (2010), Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers
van de Geijn, Myers, Parikh (2019): LAFF on Programming for High Performance (free online)
Eijkhout, Chow, van de Geijn (2017), Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing (free PDF)
Grama, Gupta, Karypis, Kumar (2003), Introduction to Parallel Computing
Greenbaum and Chartier (2012), Numerical Methods Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms – an excellent, comprehensive book.
Boyd and Vandenberghe (2018), Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – practical introduction to linear algebra for computer scientists; free PDF
Trefethen and Bau (1997), Numerical Linear Algebra – fantastic, but limited to numerical linear algebra and covers more advanced topics.
Scopatz and Huff (2015), Effective Computation in Physics – Python language, data science workflow, and computation.